A pregnant couple sitting together on a bench

The Second Trimester: A Non-Carrying Partner’s Survival Guide 

Emotional: The Sweet Spot 

Welcome to the golden trimester! This is the part where things often get better for everyone. Nausea subsides, energy returns (for the most part), and your partner might start to feel that elusive “pregnancy glow.” Soak it all in—this is awesome! 

But let’s be real: the bed situation is changing. Your cozy snuggle space is now shared with growing bump logistics, and cuddling might feel like solving a human-sized puzzle. Adapt and find new ways to connect—it’s worth it. 

Physical: Make It Memorable 

  • Take a trip: If possible, plan a little getaway. It’s a great chance to relax and connect before life gets more hectic. 
  • Stay active: Walks, yoga, or even light workouts are great for everyone involved. Keep that energy flowing. 
  • Talk to the bump: Yes, it feels a little silly at first. But science says it’s good, and you have no idea, so have a chat with your future kiddo. 

Material: Gear Up 

Time to level up your pregnancy toolkit: 

  • Pregnancy pillow: Your partner’s sleep is key. These come in all shapes and sizes—from tiny wedges to full-body huggers. Research, invest, and reclaim some bed peace. Give up cuddles and space. 
  • Mattress Topper: If your partner is uncomfortable at all sleeping try different things to make it better. We love a soft mattress. Adding this helped sleep tremendously. 
  • Plan the baby shower: Whether you’re hosting or helping, now’s the time to get those Pinterest boards rolling. Keep your partner’s vision in mind (even if it includes a cake shaped like a diaper). Celebrate yourselves even if only to get the gifts!  
  • Create Baby Registry: Use Amazon. Use Babylist. Create multiple and spread out the items. They each have discounts if you complete them. They also have some great ideas and organization. Absolutely See my product reviews for this. 

Your Mission: Enjoy the Calm Before the Storm 

The second trimester is often a sweet spot—a time to prepare, bond, and enjoy each other. Be present, be supportive, and keep doing the small things that show you’re all in. You’ve got this, BabyDad.